2020 Pandemic

I see I have not posted here in 3 + years! I guess I have been really busy. Although, 2019 was the last really busy year, because in Jauary 2020, we became aware of a new virus that had developed on Earth. It was named Covid-19, a form of the corona viruses. It is obviously now January 2021, and this virus still has us in it’s clutch.

In March 2020 the USA normal living came to a halt. We began a long guaranteen under which we are still living. Vaccines have been made and are being given beginning this month. I have an appointment Thrusday, January 26, 2021 for my first injection (of two). The second is to be given within 22 days to be effective. I am hoping that life will begin to be more normal by Spring.

This will mean being able to gather with family and friends again, going shopping, and to restaurants again. Also to pick back up with activity groups such as my wood carving group, doll club group, quilting group, dulcimer group, and my supervision group, where we can meet in person again.

A new vocabulary has sprung into use since Covid-19 disrupted our known lives. One of the biggest for me has been Zoom! A few of my former in person groups, are now using the Zoom internet program to meet virtually. We even have had virual doll conventions with Rachel Hoffman, a doll shop owner in Denver (Turn of the Century Antiques) invented VDC a Virtual Doll Convention. The UFDC followed by having the cancelled in person convention rescheduled online (through the internet).


No in person doll shows as this one from 2019 were held in 2020. Celia, Pam, Fung, and Sharon

Spring is early in 2017

Here in Georgia, USA, the temperatures have been much warmer than usual in February and March, 2017. We have had a few cold days and nights, but not many.

Hitty Gracie, carved, painted and dressed by Susie Graber, has recently joined the Sixes Community Hittys here in Holly Springs.  Because the flowers and trees have responded to this warmer weather, and are blooming beautifully, Hitty Gracie climbed  our Peach tree to get a close up view of the gorgeous pink blossoms. She finally managed to get right where I could get a great photo shot.

A Doll Sale

p1120053Saturday I attended an antique sale at a doll lover’s home. It was amazing. The lovely lady who lives there creates boxes and wardrobes for very small antique dolls. She had antique dolls, doll clothes, a few small dolls, and many selections of laces, antique fabrics and trims, for sale. It was a doll dress makers heaven. I fell in love with two tiny baby dolls, and when I could not decide which to purchase, of course, I bought them both.p1120059



Carving Hitty

Carving Hitty

The latest Hitty I am carving is a multi-jointed doll. Normally,

Hitty is jointed at her shoulders and hips with wooden pegs,

and the arms and legs move in tandem.  My newest Hitty,

Arrabella, has ball joints at her elbows and knees, too. And they move

separately. She was begun in Easton, MD in a Janet Cordell (janetcordell.com) carving

class. Wanda Wildrick arranged the carving class at the Water Foul

Building in Easton. We have had 2 carving classes there at the Water Foul Building.

Hitty Arrabella was began during the first class, probably 4 years ago. Now

we are at the final point of making a Hitty, which is painting her face, and

her socks and shoes. The face is by far, the most difficult to carve, and to

paint. I will show the results when finsihed and when she is dressed (I guess that

making her clothes is the aftermath of carving and painting!